

Jan 11, 2024

I Just Found 37 White Supremacist Hate Bands on Spotify

UK-based Skinfull on Spotify. The group has been identified as a hate band by the Southern Poverty Law Center.

These bands were first identified in a relatively benign period in America. That is, just a few years ago, when the Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC) discovered that white power music and skinhead bands were finding a brand-new outlet online. The SPLC directed its campaign at removing music from iTunes.

Since that point, streaming has rapidly replaced downloading. And it looks like most of these bands were not removed by Spotify and still exist on the platform today.

Update: In response to this article, Spotify has started removing many of these bands. Here's Spotify's official statement on the issue.

Here's a list of the groups identified by the SPLC that were available on Spotify (US) this morning:

Ad Hominem

Baker's Dozen Battlecry Blood Red Eagle Broadsword

Chauves Pourris Condemned 84

Dark Fury


Geimhre Grand Belial's Key Granulosum

Kamaedzitca Ken McLellan Kill, Baby… Kill! Kolovrat

Legion of St. George Legittima Offesa

Prussian Blue

Ravens Wing

Seges Findere Selbstmord Skinfull Skull Head Standarte

The Spear of Longinus Tattooed Mother Fuckers Thunderbolt*

White Knuckle Driver

*update: looks like there are several ‘Thunderbolts’ out there, including a Norwegian death metal band and a disco group. This refers to a group with Aryan supremacy ideologies based out of Poland.

Hate Forest Nokturnal Mortum No Remorse Berserker Centurion Bölzer Kolovrat Endless Pride

Most of these groups are fringe, with relatively small followings and listen counts. Once upon a time, that sounded just like the neo-nazi, white nationalist movement itself in the US and other countries. But in the wake of violent clashes in Charlottesville and an increasingly vocal white supremacy voice, the presence of white supremacy music on Spotify takes on a different light.

In fact, some of the groups we checked had small — but growing — fanbases.

In fact, it was pretty easy to find hate-oriented groups simply by referencing similar artists on Spotify itself. Indeed, sophisticated affinity and recommendation engines on larger platforms like YouTube have been blamed for fanning the flames on extremist ideologies and conspiracy theories.

Indeed, groups like the ACLU would likely defend a large percentage of these white supremacist and skinhead bands, even if they personally despised them.

Older recordings are also part of a historical record that is difficult to edit away. For example, one Spotify playlist features a collection of Nazi marching band songs. That's also technically a ‘hate band,’ though many would defend its presence on Spotify as an important historical collection, which differs from a typical white supremacist skinhead band.

DMN didn't conduct an extensive investigation of various Spotify alternatives, though we did receive some proactive messages from various streaming music platforms indicating the removal of certain hate bands.

The lead singer from Bölzer is black. His father is Nigerian guitarist Paul Ubana Jones. You should probably do some basic research before trying to smear artists. Haha oh wait, this is Paul Resnikoff.

The lead singer of the band has a swataka tattoo. Second he isn't black, just because someone is from Africa dosen t make them black.

Wait! Charlize Theron's South African. Which clearly makes her African. OMG. Get your head around that pea-sized brained racist scum.

that's her nationality, dumb ass. Not her race.

Actually he is mixed race, his father is half Nigerian. Please research before reacting. I agree that these bands are messed up but Bolzer does not belong on this list.

He has many swastika tattoos. I’m sure I don't have to educate you on the original meaning and history that predates the Nazis by millennia. I have no problem with people calling out obvious nazi and white supremacist bands but when we get into this bullshit witch hunt territory it grinds my gears. Do some research, this is serious shit.

So true!

You should be killed.

I hate every one even all u fuck faces

The swastika goes to the right, the eastern version points left and is not called a swastika dumb ass. You do your research, idiot

Kill yourself faggot

Theres a lot I can say on the subject – but here's the short version …. everyone should be able to hate anyone they choose without the hated crying about racism – so basically it seems as though we’re supposed to like every person or type of people regardless of them behaving like worthless disrespectful no honor having ‘people’ ? Fuck that .. ….if ur incapable of behaving in a acceptable manner then expect to be hated … makes sense to me ..

Maybe you should know that swastikas are not just used by Nazis but by many other cultures!!

the swastika means power not hate it comes from japan so how does it mean white power?

The swastica doesn't come from Japan at all n the swastica was a symbol of peace the nazis turned it around for hatred, people follow all the wp gogshit like lost sheep to the slaughter.

You proud of yourself? To censor and destroy a whole youth subculture? What is your problem with skinheadcmusic? I don't like rap so I don't search for it. Maybe when you do the same we all have a much happier life


Me too.

You know, the swastika (not swataka as you called it) is a symbol for the sun and luck in many cultures. It was abused by the Nazis. The lead singer has declined any connection the Nazis on many occasions. For him these are spiritual symbols that where abused by the Nazis.

Did you even read any of the Texts of their songs? None, exactly zero, are racist.

Please correct me if I’m wrong and name one, just one, song from them that is racist.


Blacks are just a racist as anyone. I deal with these anti white hoods every day. They only help out their own and expect All races to pay for section 8 and free food . Stand your ground , don't let them tear our country apart. Whites unite.

Thank u. .Its originally a sun sign.

Google image search Paul Ubana Jones. That's Whitey Nazi McRacist's father…

Umm yeah it does, do some research bud, the races of the world are; Caucasian (white), Negrodian (black/African) and Mongoloid (Asia). There is one more, but I can't find or remember it, but yes being African entirely means you, by race, are black

You are dumb.

Many different swastikas exist in virtually every culture on this planet unless it's at a 45 degree angle it's not fascism. You need to educate yourself

He´s one quarter black

dummy Paul is Black and why don't you research what the meaning of the swastika is.

It's ok to be white.


Shut the fuck up and go die alone you racist piece of shit. Pond scum like you are the fucking problem.

Wrong Bolzer. So yes, the author is correct.

Just a question when are they gonna get rid of the black power tracks??? Aren't those racist and degrading women??? But I guess that's none of my business!!! Oh and before y’all attack me I am Latina and my grandson is part black and my world!!! And my husband may look white but he is Italian!!! WTF happened with being proud of your race… Ohhhh I get it you can ONLY be proud if you are not white!!!

Haven't you heard? Black people can't be racist…..duh

Italian is white…? Lol

italian is White Other Person. not white.

You are amazing

You didn't work to be the race you are so being proud of it is stupid. Be proud of your achievements, your family's achievements, not the circumstance of your birth.

Italians are white you dumbfuckcunt

There's a war against white people. They hate us, because they ain't us. Yes, it's good to be proud of your race. It's ironic that Jewish organizations like the ADL and splc hate white collectivism, yet Jews are the most fierce when protecting and promoting their group.


Completely true with Nokturnal Mortum

Let me guess, you’re Russian

Im pretty sure they’ve admitted to being neo nazis in the passed but have sense denounced white supremicism.

Did you even read the wikipedia article?

Where does it say that their texts are racist?

Any article that contains the words "Southern Poverty Law Center compiled a list", immediately loses credibility.

Thank you author, now I have tons of music to listen for!


Haha excellent Cindy ,I’m from the UK and around the 1st time when punk came out and this list has made me laugh..I have seen some of these bands play myself in the 80's at anti nazi gigs!!!!

Okay, I admit I haven't listened to any of these bands to verify if they have actual white supremacist content, but I had to reply due to the absurdity of your comment Just because someone with some ethnicity writes hateful lyrics about other ethnic groups does not mean it's okay. If anything, it condones hatred against ethnic groups even more. If someone of some ethnicity spews racist bullshit about their own heritage, it signals to other people that it is indeed okay to be racist — after all, the person with that ethnicity is doing it! Your comment is very reminiscent to hashes of "HEY I’m not racist! I have a black friend AND I’m white". I thought this was an argument made only by middle schoolers, but I guess not.

Try harder, though.

They also listed Skinfull, Condemned 84, and Bakers Dozen. None of which are white supremacist

Don't worry, he's going to rally all the incels up with his "french horn".

OK, maybe he's a lighter-skinned Nigerian?

Yeah, he is. You can be black and not dark-skinned you racist. Show me proof that he isn't the child of a Nigerian.

They have a name for people like that in Nigeria:


Slave! Is what you are, confirmed in unison

Entranced by the wolfshook Hypnotized by blood Condemned to the wolfshook Accomplice in blood"

I’m not trying to gaslight anyone — I really hate Nazi bullshit. But don't call out and castigate artists that don't deserve it.

There is a whole tattoo subculture around trying to "reclaim the swastika", which is super ill-advised (obviously especially so for white people). The logic behind the movement (again, wildly and foolishly idealistic though it may be) is that several European cultures (especially Slavs) used symbols that looked like swastikas (the actual symbol, and the sunwheel, for example) as a central part of their pre-Christian iconography. The waters get murky very quickly, however, when you account for the crossover between European pagan revivalists and racist neo-Nazi scum. The "reclaimers" want to combat the misuse of the old icon, but it doesn't take a genius to realize that maybe that historical wound isn't going to heal any time soon.

If that reads like I’ve run over this topic too many times, it's because being a leftist, rational lover of extreme metal (or industrial or neo-folk) means you have to walk a tightrope of enjoying music and being prepared to do serious research into the political views of your favs. I’m flabergasted that this author's list mentions Bolzer but not Burzum or Graveland. Seriously, man, what the hell?

And the talk about Okoi's dad is some racist shit. Who on this page is authorized to be an arbiter of "correct Africanness?" Dude is a child of the world, actually. His dad, Paul Ubana Jones, is an English and Nigerian man.

We all know about Varg as a person. But I do not recall any of his lyrics being White Power or racist incidentally.

Please stop being racist.

As always, I’m trying to remain open-minded. But he sort of looks like a white guy. Plus he has multiple Nazi-era tattoos. Sort of a 2+2 = __ kind of scenario I guess.

"Plus he has multiple Nazi-era tattoos."

Well, the Nazi-era is just that — an era.

As for actual Nazi-tattoos, I couldn't find any. A reversed crucifix, the usual boring pentagrams and heavy metal fonts, but no swastikas.

Perhaps I’m missing something…

Here Okoi discusses his MULTIPLE swastika tattoos. Quote — "MY swastikas"

"KzR: Please, I’m very happy you asked me because only a few people have asked me in interviews and I’m more than happy to tell people because I don't want to be misunderstood. My sunwheels, my swastikas, my whatever you call them, it's an ancient symbol used by basically every culture on this planet at some time or another for more or less the same reason, to express their adoration for the sun, the solar power. Most of them were sun-worshipping peoples, or held respect for the balance of the sun. It's also a lunar symbol in itself for the sun cultures. Its right or left form reversed is a lunar symbol, too, and it's a female as well as a male symbol; it represents a lot of different energies. It's a continuum, it can be a destructive force, it takes a lot of natural philosophies into one. If you read about it, it's really fascinating."

Why the hell would a person get a Nazi-era tattoo if they didn't agree in some part with Nazis. I mean…I don't even care about this dude enough to research but that might be the worst defense I’ve ever heard lol.

"Here Okoi discusses his MULTIPLE swastika tattoos"

Fair enough — like I said, perhaps I was missing something.

But he does have a point if the swastikas are reversed — a lot of perfectly decent people use them for entirely legitimate reasons.

If they’re not reversed, it's obviously BS of the lamest kind.

"Why the hell would a person get a Nazi-era tattoo if they didn't agree in some part with Nazis."

I don't think you know what an era is. 🙂

I don't think you know what a Nazi is. 🙂

Hey, I’m not a Nazi but let's celebrate the era of the 1930s/1940s with some Swastika and Hitler tats!

Said nobody ever.

Dude with Swastika tattoo: "I don't want to be misunderstood."

Me / The World: "Then don't TATTOO yourself with a SWASTIKA."

The reason he has them is because of their original – and far more ancient – meanings, and he refuses to allow the extremely recent history of their use by the Nazis to forever taint the symbols themselves. He has explained this over countless interviews over the past few years, which the author of this piece would realise if he had the vaguest credibility as a journalist and had done the basic research required for such serious claims. The symbols are not derived from the Nazi era, they are far older, though they did also exist in the Nazi era. He has no "Hitler tats", and the tattoos that he has are not celebrations of the Nazis either – such a view says more about your own political leanings than anything else.

You might personally not believe that the symbols can be rescued in that way – perhaps it's simply too soon – but that's different to believing that he secretly harbours Nazi sympathies despite all the statements he has made to the contrary.

He has repeatedly explicitly stated that neither he nor the band as a whole condone Nazis or Fascists, and that they condemn all forms of intolerance and bigotry, whether racism, sexism, or homophobia.

The author of this piece has done precisely zero research into Bölzer, and the numerous inaccuracies (as well as the fact that he acknowledges in the comments that he doesn't really know much about what he's talking about), combined with the seriousness of of the author's claims, would certainly border on libel, so I hope the band are considering legal action as they’d certainly have a case.

Bolzer ins't a Nazi band… Literally their most popular song is about foolish, ignorant clods being "Entranced by the Wolfshook".

Seriously, these are the lyrics:

"Blood! Weak is the pride in your veins Master! Gives your fear a face that you can hate Iron! Is the solution to the problem Slave! Is what you are, confirmed in unison

Entranced by the wolfshook Hypnotized by blood Condemned to the wolfshook Accomplice in blood"

I’m not trying to gaslight anyone — I really hate Nazi bullshit. But don't call out and castigate artists that don't deserve it.

There is a whole tattoo subculture around trying to "reclaim the swastika", which is super ill-advised (obviously especially so for white people). The logic behind the movement (again, wildly and foolishly idealistic though it may be) is that several European cultures (especially Slavs) used symbols that looked like swastikas (the actual symbol, and the sunwheel, for example) as a central part of their pre-Christian iconography. The waters get murky very quickly, however, when you account for the crossover between European pagan revivalists and racist neo-Nazi scum. The "reclaimers" want to combat the misuse of the old icon, but it doesn't take a genius to realize that maybe that historical wound isn't going to heal any time soon.

If that reads like I’ve run over this topic too many times, it's because being a leftist, rational lover of extreme metal (or industrial or neo-folk) means you have to walk a tightrope of enjoying music and being prepared to do serious research into the political views of your favs. I’m flabergasted that this author's list mentions Bolzer but not Burzum or Graveland. Seriously, man, what the hell?

And the talk about Okoi's dad is some racist shit. Who on this page is authorized to be an arbiter of "correct Africanness?" Dude is a child of the world, actually. His dad, Paul Ubana Jones, is an English and Nigerian man.

Very well said.

Bolzer recently played in Tel-Aviv and strangely did not try to exterminate any Jews attending their show.

You clearly didn't do your research: Check Bölzer fakebook page and he statement of Okoi regarding this stuff you came upon. See his pictures with his father (who's black). About the "svastika": doesn't have the same angle that he one used by the nazis. This sunwheel is a very old symbol. For hundred of years has been used in Japan to show in maps where the Buddhist temples are located (because the sunwheel, or Manji as is known in Japan, has been used for almost every culture in the world).

Also, read his explanation with the tattoos:

The band has been the subject of some controversy owing to frontman Okoi Jones’ tattoos, which feature a swastika, a wolfsangel, and a sun cross, which has led to him being accused of Fascist sympathies.[17] Jones has rejected these allegations.

My sunwheels, my swastikas, my whatever you call them, it's an ancient symbol used by basically every culture on this planet at some time or another for more or less the same reason, to express their adoration for the sun, the solar power. Most of them were sun-worshipping peoples, or held respect for the balance of the sun. It's also a lunar symbol in itself for the sun cultures. Its right or left form reversed is a lunar symbol, too, and it's a female as well as a male symbol; it represents a lot of different energies. It's a continuum, it can be a destructive force, it takes a lot of natural philosophies into one. If you read about it, it's really fascinating. […] We promote the growth and enlightenment of the individual, the last thing on our agenda would be to glorify the implements of power involved in the collective enslavement of a people and their individualism. Fascism and racism in that sense are pretty unattractive for us.[4]

Out of all of the racists I had the misfortune of stumbling upon, you’re by far the worst.


I have no information about the racial background of the lead singer of Bolzer.

What I do know, however that being born in and/or raised in Nigeria does not define one's racial ancestry. Stop being stupid.

Not even when your grandfather is from Nigeria and is black. Not even when you’re father is a mixed race baby (back then a big no no). Not even when you’re raised by said people, write most of your lyrics surrounded anti-racist and anti-facist sentiment?


When you think you heard everything! !!

You’re a racist

You say like it's a bad thing

BoBo – You’re a NAME Caller. See, I can do it too – Whoo Hoo!!

The force behind their promotion is none other than Warner Music Group run by Edgar Bronfman Jr. whose family has been at the forefront of supporting Jewish DNA purity and the racist State of Israel and every kind of policy and program to destroy the white race as they have worked to preserve and empower the Jewish race.

Welcome to the comments, Stormfront.

Not an argument.


OMG this is like Christmas for Paul. I can only imagine how excited his face was when he found something bad on Spotify!

"Found something bad" Really? Well my two cents is that Freedom of speech and Freedom of Music go hand in hand. If one doesn't like the lyrics, don't listen to the music, but to influence Spotify to drop these bands, is the lowest form of behaviour. Labelling them White Supremacist shows a limited command of the English Language. That's no different from the idiotic expression Ant-Semitic. The intent is to be disparaging to the person you label. Pathetic, childish, behaviour and certainly should be far below any credible journalist.

"I Just Found 37 White Supremacist Hate Bands on Spotify"

Yes, and that's disgusting.

But it's the price we pay to have Pussy Riot and other left-wing acts stand up against people like Trump and Putin.

In other words:

Free speech is b!tch — but the alternative is worse!

Are you really equating Pussy Riot with Nazis?

The right wing thinks of Pussy Riot as violent criminals and you think of white supremacists as Nazis.

This means you won't get rid of one without the other. So you should ask yourself if that's what you want.

Free speech is the foundation of art and music — don't sacrifice it just because it's August and Paul needs clicks.

I don't think "think" that white supremacist are Nazis, they are. They even carry their flags.

"I don't think "think" that white supremacist are Nazis, they are."

Well, that's your opinion (and it happens to be mine, as well), but they look at it differently.

And I can assure you they’ll try — and probably succeed, judging by recent, similar events on YouTube and Patreon — in removing a lot of provocative left-wing acts from various streaming services if we get rid of their white trash.

Again, are you really sure you want that?

There's a giant difference between the government banning certain speech/art and a private company banning it from their services. Read a book or two.

*There's a giant difference between the government banning certain speech/art and a private company banning it from their services*

Yeah, the latter allowed it until a group of moral busybodies decided to make their lives hell until they capitulate to mob rule, a mob that seems to desire the former.

I like Spotify. Find most of Paul's attacks on them are strange and unfounded.

But I don't think they should host this music and they should remove it. Just as Google should from YouTube and FB should stop allowing these groups to mobilize on their platform.

To be fair to Spotify, I’m sure these tracks came through in some CD Baby or Tunecore feed that included thousands of recordings, which they wouldn't have the resources (or at the very least, the foresight) to vet for hate speech.

As a general matter, I wouldn't consider Spotify to be saints exactly, so I can't really fault Paul that much for going after them.

Actually, I really don't think this is an attack on Spotify. There are questions of what to do with this (free speech vs. other policy choices).

Really I just wrote this to say: this is over there, it's happening.

True! Not an attack this time.

And – Spotify has removed most if not all these bands now.

Which ones are you seeing removed? I am not seeing any removed, but I only did a quick spot check this morning.

Swedish press has them removimg them based on your post.

Thanks man! 37 new bands to check out

How many white hating black groups did you find? Did you stop counting at 5,000?

I’ve seen Bölzer live. They were pretty good. Didn't know they were a "hate" band. Don't really care either. Christian metal bands can sing about crazy stuff that literally brain washes billions of people, but they don't ever get told off. I don't really care about that either though. People should be smart enough to decide for themselves what to think. Good music is good music, regardless of the lyrics. I can should be able to listen to what the fuck I want, be it Stryper, Slayer or Bölzer. Who cares if these bands are on Spotify? Can't you just, you know, NOT listen to them, if you’re so offended?

Exactly, if this loony was in charge of Spotify all death metal would be banned because he's WEAK. Keep the "hate" music, it's an artistic expression.

They’re not a hate band – literally their most popular song is about how mindless and ignorant fascists are, "entranced by the wolfshook", by obsession with blood and purity, stirred up into a mindless frenzy by hateful leaders.

We played with Bölzer a few years ago when their hype was at its height (well, in the underground at least). I think they’re massively overrated, but anyone who thinks they’re nazi's is retarded. Nokturnal Mortum (as it is spelt actually) did have some questionable lyrics in their early days, but as far as I know they have long since publicly renounced that past. Don't know most of the other bands mentioned.

Completely true with Nokturnal Mortum

This is actually more relevant:

Worrying times for metal and punk fans. Spotify should block hate-speech content. Good trawl, shudder to think what that algorithm searched for…

"Spotify should block hate-speech content."

1) How do you think that would affect songwriting and free expression?

2) Who should elect the censors — and based on exactly which criteria?

3) Exactly how should Spotify define hate-speech (aside from statements you don't personally like)? Bear in mind that threats and defamatory remarks are illegal already.

4) How many anti-Trump songs do you think the alt-right squads are going to remove in revenge? How many anti-Christian songs? How many anti-NRA songs? How many democratic songs in 2020?

This is a culture war and I’m not sure you really want to make it worse than it already is.

I think we’ve had enough with blocked/de-monetized YouTube videos, removed iTunes books/albums, closed PayPal and Patreon accounts, right, left and center.

I totally agree. Music is art…art was never supposed to be comfortable for everyone. That's part of the deal. I can find some art totally vile and reprehensible, and guess what…I can choose to ignore it! I’ve never heard of any of these bands, and I’m sure if they are in fact ‘white supremacists’ I would have no interest in their music. But to go full 1984 thought-police on music is pretty darn un-American.

Banning these bands will just make them 100x times more popular. Hardly anyone was even paying attention to them to begin with.

Couldn't possibly agree more.

True. Paul's intention was to shine a light on the existence of these bands on Spotify, for the purpose of starting a discussion on whether they should be allowed to remain on the service. Sort of like that time Bill Maher got that Milo guy at Breitbart on his show, arguing that "Sunlight is the best disinfectant." Whether the bands remain on Spotify or not, this will unfortunately have the side-effect of promoting these bands to those who may share their beliefs. Looking at some of the comments here, it certainly does appear that Nazis read this website. Who would’ve thought, huh?

"Sort of like that time Bill Maher got that Milo guy at Breitbart on his show"

Exactly, and what good did that do anybody…

Nah, it won't. Nobody cares about metal anymore, it's dead, good riddance. It's not like they’re good bands, Bolzer is "ok" but most of them are really shitty, badly recorded black metal bands.

Isnt tattoed mother fuckers a skinhead band from England tho? And skinhead doesn't mean nazi, it's a punk-working class movement from the 70-80s

Condemned 84 is nowhere near a ‘White Supremacist Hate Band’. Same goes for Baker's Dozen and a few others that would most likely fit on that no-research-made-list.

Skinfull isn't a nazi band. Ridiculous witch hunt. Fuck this list. This is a serious accusation you are making Paul.

nah TMF are nazi dogs…. Jonesy just hides behind his "apolitical" values so he doesn't get his head kicked in by plenty of people in the scene.

Just listen to english rose if you want to hear what he really thinks.

Leftwing rightwing it doesn't matter he has shat on them all and plays both sides. He's a weak willed maggot.

Also his bands are fucking shit.

Also, still on the subject of Bolzer…

"Okoi is himself of diverse ethnic descent. Since he's been subjected to accusations of ‘racism’, based solely on imbecile interpretations of his tattoos, I’m curious to know if he sees himself in a racial context.

– Absolutely fucking hell I’m proud of where I come from. My father is half-Nigerian, he grew up in England so he's also very British – he's not practicing any elements of African culture. He's an ingenious musician who plays soulful music, which is his means of expressing his cultural spirit.

His mother comes from a traditional Swiss background, but grew to be as rebellious as his father.

– Both of them boast a very alternative mind-set and interest in music and art. My parents raised my sisters and myself within a multi-culturally conscious framework, one also bereft of prejudice on any level.

While he doesn't regard himself quite as liberal as them, his upbringing still has a place within his ethical conduct.

– I prefer to remain free. I have no need of distractions from silly notions of either supremacy or inferiority. It has obviously influenced me, being of mixed background – it's always been with me and something I’ve constantly been made aware of. I got hassled in school of course; surrounded by very simple, monocultural white kids in New Zealand.

Besides the island nation's white population, called Pakeha, there are other large ethnic groups such as Maori, Pacific Islanders and Samoans. Okoi says that being from neither of them leaves one feeling like an outsider among the colonisers.

– I was born in Switzerland – my mum is Swiss and I grew up speaking English and German. I feel European, Europe is my mother root. I have very strong ties to New Zealand but it's just a country for me – a place and an epoch of my life."

are you going to write an article about songs like this????? clearly horribly racist and demeaning to white women. white cave bitch? all white women are in the ku klux klan?

Skinfull isnt racist… get your shit together

True. This Paul dude doesn't have a clue. Idiot. Fucking leftist witch hunt.

So let me get this straight… Spotify's not cool with racists or neo-nazis, but it was totally fine for them to put Chris Brown on the cover of Spotify's own ‘Are & Be’ playlist two weeks ago… does that mean they’re OK with beating women? Food for thought.

Can you also ban "artists" that advocate killing police? Isn't that the ultimate hate?

How is killing police the "ultimate hate" when police commit the most hate crimes??

Oh please. Those are not nazi marches. They are from the Imperial era, primarily from 1800 to the First World War. Just because some fuckwit who do not speak a word of German made a playlist calling them Nazi does not make it so.

Lead vocalist of Centurion, Arno Michaels, is now an anti-racist.

Your a hypocrite. Why are you not standing up for all races? Known bands like Slipknot have a catchy tunes called people equal sh!t. This is simply propaganda not journalism.

this is a really ill informed article and is written by someone who does not understand the OI/Skin movement. its damaging to the bands that have been incorrectly accused of being something they are not and this should be taken down on account of false information and poor journalism.

TO BE CLEAR: Skinhead movement is a working class movement and has its roots in punk and reggae

the skin movement was not about fascism or racism but unfortunately it was used as a front for white supremacy in the 80s ….and well the stereotype stuck.

some of those bands named in this list are OI bands – OI is NOT race hate.

OI is about working class UK punks/skins and if this "journalist" bothered to investigate they would realise that some of these bands are not race hate…..

for example Skinfull!!!! you’ve screen grabbed them for the top of this article and they are an oi band.

stop writing articles like some ill informed half wit on facebook

I hope they can sue this kid for defamation. The Oi! Bands you’ve (author) mentioned would kick the shit out of a Nazi at a show. Real skins are not racists.

Condemned 84 Skinfull Tattoed Mother Fuckers should file suit together.

errr TMF can probably stay on that list.

Jonesy is a weak willed piss ant, that publically states hes not into "politics" and has a heaps dodgy history.

He's definitely not a skinhead, no skin would ever be such a spineless grub who wouldn't take a stand for what he actually believes in.

Skinful, C84 and Bakers Dozen are all straight up Oi!

You’re a fucking idiot too,go kiss black ass somewhere else loser being racist is a good thing.

This Paul guy is just lost.

Paul (((Resnikoff))) attacking Whites for creating culture which celebrates our heritage or advocates against our ethnic displacement.

It really is the Jews.

Every. Single. Time.

What a fag lmao

So 437 people have been murdered in Chicago thus far in 2017, yet there is no movement to ban gansta-rap… But, according to you, after one young racist inbred (after being pelted with bottles filled with urine and concrete I might add) drives his car into a group of rioters killing 1 woman, we must completely abandon the first amendment and remove public access to pro-white media? Have you been steeped in leftists propaganda to the extend that you actually believe this or are you simply a Dick that enjoys kicking marginalized folks while they are down without any ability to think through the long-term consequences?

Racist and inbred don't mix,call me a racist ,that's fine,call me inbred and I’ll slash your face from your eye to your chin motherfucker.

At least Wagner is safe … for now.

You should hear all the hateful anti-white rhetoric in rap music. I wonder if any artists will be affected?

The band has been the subject of some controversy owing to frontman Okoi Jones’ tattoos, which feature a swastika, a wolfsangel, and a sun cross, which has led to him being accused of Fascist sympathies.[17] Jones has rejected these allegations.

My sunwheels, my swastikas, my whatever you call them, it's an ancient symbol used by basically every culture on this planet at some time or another for more or less the same reason, to express their adoration for the sun, the solar power. Most of them were sun-worshipping peoples, or held respect for the balance of the sun. It's also a lunar symbol in itself for the sun cultures. Its right or left form reversed is a lunar symbol, too, and it's a female as well as a male symbol; it represents a lot of different energies. It's a continuum, it can be a destructive force, it takes a lot of natural philosophies into one. If you read about it, it's really fascinating. […] We promote the growth and enlightenment of the individual, the last thing on our agenda would be to glorify the implements of power involved in the collective enslavement of a people and their individualism. Fascism and racism in that sense are pretty unattractive for us

So much cuck

Hate Forest wasn't a racist band. Neither is Bolzer. None of their lyrics or imagery had anything to do with racist hate. By this standard, is Hate Eternal a racist band? (No)

Burzum and Graveland are both 1-man acts and both musicians are admitted racists. But neither "band" has racist lyrics or imagery. It seems disingenuous to me to say that art made by a person must be an extension of that person's politics.

I’m a total SJW if anyone is wondering and I hate Nazis. I write all this because I research the bands I like to make sure I’m not supporting something that promotes racist hate. Bands like Spear of Longinus and GBK are definitely racist bands whose lyrics promote racist hate. But smearing Hate Forest and Bolzer with those accusations is ridiculous to the point of dishonesty. The author should retract that.

And should also add that Nokturnal Mortuum changed their lyric themes (they even changed their logo because of that)

Not sure where spear of Longinus has racist lyrics? More like Australian crowleyite with NS occultism.

Have not been to spotify in a while but Im sure there is still good music there. My two favorite sets are live Phish from around ’97 where they do Guyute into Tela w/ acapella at the end, also a Final War set where they opened with Shitout and went into a medley of Aryan Pride straight into The Nationalist. Both sets were epic IMHO.

A lot of Christians wear crosses around their necks. You think when Jesus comes back he ever wants to see a fcuking cross? It's like going up to Jackie Onassis wearing a rifle pendant.

The Kill, Baby…Kill! On Spotify is an instrumental Surf band from Alabama, not to be confused with the racist skin band from Belgium.

Southern Poverty Law Center is a long discredited left wing hate group and naturally can't be trusted to tell the truth. Since Spotify is removing hate speech where will I get my daily fix of gangsta rap?

Swastikas rotating Right are not the Same as Left Rotating Swastikas – anyone with 2 brain cells knows that

fuck white supremacists and their shitty bands but these are fringe bands anyway that don't get any sales or play. it's easy to target them because the businesses banning them won't lose large amounts of money

i hope for your sake that you are rational and consistent and highlight the racism in rap music. i don't care about white people crying about "kill whitey" chants. what i’m concerned with are the really racist things that rappers say about mexicans and asians…i mean all the members of the wu tang clan have made their careers off of racist asian stereotypes and all the mafioso drug trafficker tracks talk about shooting mexicans and raping their women

i get that the white supremacist thing is in the news – and it's good to expose these ignorant assholes – but we need to expose all the hate.

oh and you guys missed the easiest one: GG Allin

You’re a lame duck. Stop being so weak. Learn to take it up the ass.

i’ll stretch your ass the way your father did when you were six years old, you weak white inbred bitch

The race that coined the term "mf" is going to call others inbred.

cool story.

I played bass in skinfull I can tell you none of us are or were racist the singer is married to a very nice Chinese lady with 2 kids and im with a beautiful Indian lady with 1 kid I do not think I am better than them in anyway in fact I’ve learnt a alot of life lessons from my good lady in becoming a better person

Thanks for the list, I’ll be checking these bands out. Also, eat shit, faggot.

The Southern Poverty Law Center has nothing to do with the south, poverty, or law. Nothing whatsoever. It's a political pressure group and lobbying organization funded by George Soros.

People who think they can censor their way to "morality" are very, very stupid.


ó o brasileiro comedor de bosta

I hadn't heard of most of these bands before. Thanks for giving me a list of new music to listen to, and bands to support. It's really nice when news outlets help us spread our message.

Thanks for the list of bands to check out. WPWW

Is this the stuff that Spotify's banning? I saw a few articles regarding Spotify's removal of white supremacist music, which I didn't realize was actually a thing.

If u don't like it then just don't listen to it. Everyone has a right to express themselves however they feel..and make money off it then that's supremacy is no better than white supremacy so go duck yourselves..

Whoever wrote this article is dumb as fuck! Let me start by saying in no way do I support white supremacy or racism, but this is stretching man… Where do you draw the line? People should be able to say what they please as long as they can accept the potential consequences of what they say. I get that it comes from a place of positivity, but it is really fucking stupid. Welcome to the United States of sheltered bananas. Where we bruise over words and at then throw equal amounts of negativity right back and then get on our high horses about how much better we are than the rest of the people. Man… fuck this place.

TMF, Skinfull and Baker's Dozen aren't White power band. Cunt

Also Condemned 84

TMF is.

Also Jonesy is a weak fucking dog who rolls on everyone.

You don't know suit about America obviously ,or americans,sheltered bananas my ass.

also they removed (replaced with silly techno music / african rap, whatever.) – Blackshirts – Blue Eyed Devils – Bully boys oh that was just letter B, … but wait, they removed Skrewdriver? Spotify seems to be dangerous!

Thank you duck!!! i’m listening my 37 new bands right now!

"First they came for the Socialists, and I did not speak out— Because I was not a Socialist.

Then they came for the Trade Unionists, and I did not speak out— Because I was not a Trade Unionist.

Then they came for the Jews, and I did not speak out— Because I was not a Jew.

Then they came for me—and there was no one left to speak for me. "

Nazis and neonazis are deplorable (this goes without saying) but the true fascists today are banning music, banning speech, tearing down statutes (just like ISIS!) and acting violent toward minority fringe groups they don't like.

It's all happened before, and it will all happen again.

I do wonder why so many people assume without question that the SPLC is correct about all these bands . It's not like the SPLC doesn't have an agenda or an interest in this. People tend to overlook the fact that organizations like the SPLC have a symbiotic relationship with racists. No racists = no SPLC.


Have you really listened to all those bands? Have you made your research about their ideology? Who is the fascist heap of prejudices here other than the author of this article?

Paul doesn't care about his victims.

Like Trump, he just incites hate and starts meaningless conflicts that may very well turn violent to get attention.

The worst censorship craze we’ve seen since the 1930s is finally getting attention now:

You missed a fuck load of super racist bands in your list and then just included a few token oi! bands just to pump up your list.

If you’re going to go on a public crusade at least drag the right people through the mud.

No Remorse (arguably one of the most graphically racist scum get ignored) yet straight up oi! like Condemned 84 get listed?

racist scum?there is no bigger rat than a white person who accuses another white person of racisim.indoctrinated in school and riddled with white guilt he will sell his own kin down the river.if youre a minority its understandable we did whoop your asses.

Would you care to elaborate where Bölzer or Nokturnal Mortum have put out records lately with White Supremacist views ? Or does a persons preceived views make the music for you ?

Did you see the Nazi era font on Taylor Swift's new album, Paul?

wow now leftists are not only cowards and liars,but they are snitches to boot.what an honorable bunch.

They denied a request to remove Burzum and Hate Forest from the site.

Good. There's a thing called freedom of expression. People like Paul want to shape the world in THEIR image, and screw everyone else. This one-sided attack on something because of a long-gone historical anomaly is pathetic.

This is a BULL sh#t article. Freedom of speech. What about all the Shitcago rappers talking about killing the oops with their pistols with 30 round clips and their choppers with 100 drums. And narcotic distuibution in atlantas trap musoc scene. Censorship is fascism. 1488

Thunderbolt the black metal band from Poland? Didn't know Satan was racist or a nazi.

Hi! I am from the band SkinFull (finished in 2015) which is pictured at the top of this so called White Supremesist BS! Could anyone please give me an example of ONE LYRIC FROM ANY OF OUR THREE ALBUMS AND MANY MORE SINGLES THAT IS IN ANY WAY RACIST ?!?!? Go!!!! Oh no hold on …. you won't find one because we’re not racist!! And if u did a little research into our band and our respective families then u would know how ridiculous the accusation is!!!! Fuckin bellends??✊??

Awesome! Just left a comment at the bottom. Looks like you already got it taken care of. Cheers!!!

Why cant they sing about being white and proud…we are all free to be proud of our heritage. Its music. I love menace clans "kill whitey "just as I like to hear Nashville pussy say they are" white and loud".

Two points:

1) Including Bölzer on this list? You fucking idiot. 2) As far as *genuinely* hateful groups go, no fans of them would listen through some bullshit streaming service like Spotify, so big fucking deal. We’ll continue to obtain the music direct from bands or distros.

At least two of those bands don't espouse racist ideology, Bölzer, in fact, occasionally taking the opposite tack. While I’m glad that spotify is (well within its rights as a private entity) cleaning house, it would be much more sustainable without the collateral damage.

skinful isn't racist. Dont believe everything SPLC says.

Don't believe anything this article writer says, either. He clearly has an agenda and that's to KEEP the events of WW2 (whatever twisted version he believes) alive so that certain groups can keep capitalising on it to remove anything they don't like. Ever wonder why they never seem to attack rap or hip-hop music for it's black on white attacks? Exactly. The great manipulators must love Paul.

Several of those bands aren't actually Nazi bands. Paul, why don't you post why you aimed just for a group you did little research on and not, say, hip-hop artists who post a lot more hate. Will you be attacking Arab music next? Show your true colours, sheep.

What's with the hatred towards germans if u look back through history the problems have always started with jews and their wanting to take control of everything first of all judea declared war on Germany first all Germany did was tell them that if u want to boycott us around the world then you are to have no rights in our country so there for we will pack your shit and move you to some where that way you can be on your own cause we don't want that shit.

just so yall know. there is a difference between a racist band and a skinhead band. skinhead bands lead back to the english punk rock era and has nothing to do with race. many racist people bic their heads and that is a symbol for racism and pride. you have a few non racist skinhead bands here. Skinheads listened to Oi! music which was the music of skinheads (the style like a lot of punk rockers have) working class people and punks. it shares the same qualities of old folk music…. some of those bands are racist but a bunch are not.!

Oh my goodness, I just found over 500 artists/bands on apotify that are homosexuals. Let's make a huge deal about it.

calling bolzer a racist band despite the fact that the father of the vocalist is a black man? wow it's almost as if you’re supposed to actually research stuff before you post articles and not just react to buzzwords like "swastika" or "skinhead" this is basic fucking journalism, why should i the random guy on the internet be telling this to the fuckin journalist? maybe you should give me your job.

The article quotes the Southern Poverty Law Center a group headed by a child molester. Lmao and when does the black censorship of black rappers calling using the n-word and calling everybody cracker when is that going to happen????

thanks for the list of new bands to check out!

What would we ever do without pearl-clutching articles such as these?

Look up the Barbary slaves and check out what is happening to white people in South Africa today.

You rub like a little girl.

thunderbolt from poland stopped being nsbm long ago, and became an exclusively satanic band. which if you put 10 seconds of research into your ravings, you’d find out.

thank you for this great list <3

Wow what a bunch of pansy ads bitches… Mommy mommy there is hate speech music and I’m to fucking stupid not to not play it… All you haters of proud white people can choke on my dick…

All of you pussy fucks will be crushed under the foot of the globalists as well. No matter how tolerant you are. They want you dead. Wake the fuck up.

Kill yourself. Worthless scum like you make us look bad.

You know what this is America weather you agree with their anti-black songs or not they shouldn't be removed fuck the NAACP if they can remove anti-black music I should be able to remove any music I don't like too if you don't like the music don't listen to it don't cry like a little pussy

Somewhat confused why he didn't mention all rap "artist", who puke out kill cops, kill whitie or any other actual race? Its funny that people like him say "Oh, they are just keeping it real, its the community" Is this racist….."please remove permanently all race baiters"

Congratulations. You behave like old Christian ladies. Please hang your heads in shame And then just hang yourselves.

Hate forest denied being related to politics

Censorship is 100000000000 x worse than the worst white power band

Thanks for the list, even giving me all their names, now I know who to listen to

Yet, two years later, Spotify still seems to have no problem with the song "Kill All The White Man" by the Jewish-fronted band, NOFX. Odd, isn't it? It's almost as if promoting White genocide is acceptable.

By the way, "Resnikoff" – is that Irish?

Listen to the lyrics moron!! It's the other way around GENIUS!! Racist POS!!

what the hell? i mean most of these bands are racist and suck but putting bolzer on here is just stupid. the vocalist's dad is a black dude and even his name sounds african as fuck. seriously he literally has the same name as the chick from black panther do i fuckin have to spell this shit out slowly for you?

Man, I’ve looked up a bunch of these to add to my 14/88 collection and probably half of them aren't on Spotify. Guess I’ll just have to order CD's and vinyl.

Get a life losers

Who cares if they’re racist? It's just their opinion…or are you a fascist and don't want people to have their own opinions? If you don't like them, don't listen to them.

Boring fucking politics that’ll get us all shot Left wing, right wing, you can stuff the lot Keep your petty prejudice, I don't see the point ANARCHY AND FREEDOM IS WHAT I WANT

Well looks like the author sucked dick Cause Nokturnal Mortum is on Spotify lol. I guess your piece of shit "research" was pulled out of the ass, wasn't it? Lol. All hail Nokturnal Mortum. All hail pagan metal!

Racism is the new black


Yeah, because fringe rap from the 90s that almost nobody's ever heard of is what all of rap stands for. Every genre has that 1% of shitty people that just spew hate.

Thanks for all the great band recommendations, you whiny sjw

Get a life
